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Images Story/Story 1 Karen's Pink Elephant.jpg
WTN: Karen's Pink Elephant
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---=== UTOPIAN DREAM ===---



Nigel S Allen

    Chapter 19...The Dream

  1. Throughout the years I looked after my wife, and throughout the years I spent in prison, I lived in hope. Hope that one day we would all live in a better, more democratic and more caring world. It was this hope that kept me alive. I dreamt of a Utopian world where social democracy flourished. Where there was a place in society for all human beings, regardless of their capabilities. A better world where trust and love proliferate. A world fit for children to grow up in. That world has thus far not arrived. Governments behave more like financial institutions than social workers. It is my belief that the global economy will collapse, either due to rising commodity prices, unaffordable insurance premiums due to climate change, putting firms out of business and thereby causing a global banking collapse. Global terrorism triggering super volcanic eruptions and mega tsunamis, pandemic, or global warming causing sea level rise and deserts, which could trigger a third world war. After all this misdirected effort, maybe the surviving remnants of the human race will see the error of their ways and create a world technocracy.

  2. Story 19 Birmingham My Flatlet Nigel Typing His Autobiography.jpg
    WTN: Nigel Typing His Autobiography

  3. This paper was produced in 1987 on an Amstrad PCW 8512, printed off on a dot matrix printer, scanned using OCR onto a PC, only to find that not everything was scanned correctly. After proof reading this, and hopefully replacing all those commas with full stops (period), and incompatible quotation marks and pound signs, it occurred to me that if husbands had been made responsible for the actions of their family, including the actions of their wives, it is likely that I would not have ended up in prison.

  4. Almost thirty three years later I still believe in the creation of a world technocracy (WT), which would undoubtedly lead to a new civilisation, second to none. At the age of sixty-nine I have lived all my life under the threat of global thermonuclear war. It's now obvious to me that there are now many members of the global electorate that have had enough of politicians maintaining this unacceptable state of affairs. Governments ignore this movement at their peril.

  5. This website gives more detailed information on how a WT should be structured, and how to eliminate all crime, without the need for police, courts, and prisons,in the My Ideas section.

  6. Epilogue - The Right To Be Forgotten

  7. It is now over thirty-three years since I was released from prison. I have lived alone all that time. I have no friends, and prefer it that way. Most of the women interested in me, turned out to be prostitutes. Women looking for a client, or a bedroom to take their client to. Many of them women with a female escort, or simply tourists looking for a cheap hotel room. I tried evening classes and computer dating, without success. Public houses in Birmingham contain thousands of men on Saturday nights, with few women accompanying them. The sexes have polarized, the result of a failed constitution. Whilst the Swiss electorate refused women direct access to benefits, through a referendum, that option has never been presented to the electorate in the UK. The UK is a social and economic disaster, because it is a political nightmare, going nowhere, achieving almost nothing. It has little managerial ability and no vision. It wastes huge amounts of time discussing trivia. It steadfastly ignores emotive issues such as:

  8. 1 Depository for wills, and a legal obligation for people to provide one. As increasing numbers of people live on their own, a state depository for wills, becomes even more vital. One gets the impression that HMG does not want people to leave their wealth to distant relatives, carers and charities, but to the treasury.

  9. 2 Euthanasia for incurables, the elderly and long term physically and mentally disabled. There are millions of people living in the UK who find their lives totally meaningless, who can see no point in living, and yet they are both physically and mentally fit. I have no doubts, that those far worse off, should have the right to die, when administered by two qualified members of the medical profession, and witnessed by two adults, preferably relatives.

  10. 3 Mother-in-laws tongue or partner cruelty. Is it illegal, or caused by a mental illness or a case for marriage guidance? There needs to be a code of practice, in order to handle domestic violence cases to a professional standard. The general public also need to be educated as to where they stand in all matters of law. It is clear to me that all personal commitments should be arranged by the state.

  11. 4 Real apprenticeships. Four years minimum at the national minimum wage, and leading to a recognized qualification and profession, set up by a professional guild. The course must be designed to enhance the nation's export potential.

  12. 5 A realistic salary, bonus, expense and tax structure for all, including that for directors, with no one left out, and enforced by wage's councils.

  13. 6 Long term support for R&D, inventions, and seed companies, lasting seven years, via Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

  14. 7 Reopening of Skillcentres to cutting edge professions. Colleges and universities do not train students for employment. They should become skillcentres, managed by guilds, with university research labs managed by BIES.

  15. 8 All IT operating systems, applications and their developments, should be designed and produced in this country for security reasons, and ease of training (no duplication). AI should be used to produce secure code, and police the web. This software should be made freely available to the world in order to promote world peace.

  16. 9 National screening for HIV, syphilis, super gonorrhea, etc., plus compulsory treatment and quarantine. Re-education of the nation on morality matters and more.....

  17. 10 Government run computer dating, based primarily upon genetics, to reduce hereditary illnesses and costs to NHS. Other factors would be credit rating, intelligence and criminal record. In a nation that contains a huge number of people living on their own, such a move would reduce the housing shortage, promote balanced family upbringing and motivate people to work harder.

  18. 11 National service, to instil discipline, positive thinking and risk taking for management. It would also deter migrants looking for a soft life.

  19. 12 Support for a World Technocracy, through the United Nations, Commonwealth, etc.

  20. 13 A total ban on the use of credit cards and loans for individuals and government. (If I can live without debt all my life, so can everyone else.)

  21. 14 Support a ban on the creation of androids with independent capability, through the United Nations, etc.

  22. 15 Support the creation of an international code of conduct for the bio-engineering sector, and an off-world international bio-engineering centre, and banned everywhere else.

  23. 16 Create an internationally recognized protocol, through the United Nations, for communicating with alien intelligence. To outlaw the use of violence, which could possibly create an interstellar incident. HMG should reveal all its knowledge about UFO's, and encourage other governments to do likewise, to Wikileaks.

  24. 17 A global ban on the use of bio-engineering technology for human cosmetic purposes. Promote bio-engineering through the United Nations, such as for the purpose of creating homo technicus, and developments leading up to it. (This is designed to prevent the trashing of the human genome.)

  25. 18 The creation of meaningful detailed, easy to understand, legal documents, called an ownership certificate, to be issued at point of sale for all items over a value of say ten pounds, and sent to the purchaser's email address. This would include everything, furniture, white furniture, garden & DIY equipment, cars, boats, homes, etc. The ownership certificate would have to include manufacturer's name, contact details, model, serial number, architecture, location, operating instructions, additional costs, etc.

  26. In the case of a home purchase, the details would include, proof of ownership on HMG website, postal address, latitude & longitude, annual costs for electricity, gas, community charge, telephone & internet. Fastest speed of internet available and name of provider. Location and type of meters, water stop cock location, Photo Voltaic Array documentation (including ownership certificates), to whom it is being sold to, at what price and its annual output. Ownership certificate for all electrical appliances including boiler and burglar alarm, included in the sale. This will become increasingly important as smart appliances become available. Description of smart links. Details of the condition of pipes, cables, home contents included in sale. Details of cavity wall, loft and floor insulation. Double glazing details and any necessary insurance to cover it. Architectural drawings of plot and all buildings on it, including structural plans and elevations, showing accurate location of pipes and cables. Addresses of water, gas, electricity and community charge suppliers. Recently measured supply voltage. Smoke alarm system. Fire extinguisher system. Burglar alarm system. Previous owners & uses. Details of vermin, noisy appliances and neighbours, local pollution (water, air, sound). Street cleaning details. Local crime details. Details of hydroponics facility in a carbon free home, including ownership certificate of Programmable Logic Controller and associated manuals, plus details of suppliers (plants, fertilizer, pesticide, etc). Present condition of hydroponics facility. What is being grown and where. Its annual output details. Any legal matters outstanding relating to property. Does the property suffer from subsidence, floors not flat or level, cracks in walls, floors or ceilings, broken pipes or cables, perimeter walls and fences not within 50mm of the legal boundary line? Type of landscape, such as slope gradient, reclaimed swamp, underground river, sink holes, mine subsidence. Also list of natural hazards, including probability of hurricanes, tornadoes, poisonous snakes, spiders and scorpions, termites, etc. Is water rationed? Those failings considered acceptable should be signed off by all concerned, with both parties having a copy of the document. Everything listed here should amount to a legal document enabling the purchaser to claim compensation, through the courts if necessary, for any failings.

  27. You may think that this modern deed is over the top, but Birmingham was hit by a tornado a few years ago, there are scorpions living at a south coast port, and I haven't a clue where the nearest mine shaft is to my property, probably dug during the industrial revolution. And sink holes don't just exist in Florida, as some unfortunate home owners in the UK will tell you. And incidentally, twenty per cent of the USA has a karst topography full of sink holes. Best to hang your bed from the ceiling, if you want to sleep easy.

  28. You may think that these requirements are over the top, but when you have read my home purchase problems, you will realise how necessary they are. In addition, new home owners in the UK have realised that their home guarantee certificate (NHBC) has no legal backing. They are totally dependent upon the goodwill of the builder. What a thought. It is also necessary to stop the insurance sector from victimizing those with criminal records, who are seeking home and home contents insurance. These reforms are therefore long overdue.

  29. 19 National biometric identity card and National Curriculum Vitae Centre (NCVC), to include everyone and every profession, as described in My Ideas section. HMG announced in early 2018 that it wanted to increase the productivity of workers in the UK. Well this is how to start the process. It would put an end to discrimination in the workplace, and eliminate square pegs in round holes.

  30. 20 Privatisation of national defence. In order to stop the construction of HMS Status Symbol, etc. Our weapon systems are too expensive to procure, operate and maintain, take too long to build, and often do not comply with NATO standards. Where's the catapult and arrester wire? We are bankrupt. We cannot justify spending all this money protecting, what is in effect, a bankrupt bank. We should develop defence in depth, employing non-sophisticated weapons, with no offensive capability, backed up by national service, and other systems. (Details already submitted to No 10.) To be practical, a weapon's system needs to be 3D rapid printed. A 3D printed UAV, similar to the BAe Systems Taranis, would be far more practical than the F-35B Lightning II at ninety million dollars each.

  31. The present defence situation is analogous to that in the 1930's. HMG put its faith in battle cruisers like HMS Hood. That was a status symbol, blown up by the Bismark. For seven years Frank Whittle developed the jet engine ostensively on his own. If HMG and industry had given him the necessary support, and had the vision, the UK could have had high flying, extremely fast, jet bombers equipped with wire and TV guided glide bombs by 1940, which could have defeated the Nazis probably within three months. As it was, thirty to sixty million people lost their lives in the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). Today I look around and all I see is appeasement. Politicians talking, but with no vision and therefore no action.

  32. 21 Offer support to refugees from rogue states, through the United Nations or Commonwealth, in the form of prefabricated towns. This is not regime change, but a merciful answer to long term conflict. The Commonwealth has plenty of spare real estate.

  33. 22 Tackle obesity through the creation of approved companies. These would be created through amalgamation, employing at least one thousand people, whilst no other companies would be permitted to operate within the country. Each AC would have a creche / nursery school, a gymnasium, a canteen selling healthy foods in healthy amounts only, medical centre, and a social club selling non-alcoholic drinks only. Employees would have a strict diet / bacteria and exercise regime. They would be paid according to work output, BMI (body mass index) and health.

  34. 23 There needs to be a one child per family policy throughout the world, including the UK, including the royal families.

  35. 24 Mass produce zero carbon homes, which include food production, employing hydroponics. The mealie maestro in biomes?

  36. 25 Establish superior housing developments in tropical locations for wealthy citizens, similar to standards in Abu Dhabi. As people retire to these areas, homes would become vacant in the UK. This would lower house prices in the UK, and increase tax revenue, through a comparable community charge in these new developments. Increasing use of artificial intelligence will ensure a depopulated UK, as retired people go abroad to warmer climates. They will want superior residential accommodation. UK citizens buying second homes and retirement homes outside of the pound sterling zone are a major cause of currency devaluation. HMG should encourage the construction industry to build factory built biomes, to this aim. They could also be exported elsewhere to solve the UK's balance of payment's problem and resulting currency devaluation. If there is one thing that people in the third world want from us, it's a decent home for their family.

  37. 26 Make second home ownership in UK illegal, and make home ownership by outsiders in high demand parts of UK illegal.

  38. 27 Create a software cyber security opening web page on all internet browsers. This would include links to all internet policing organizations, both government and charities. It would list internet related offences and their appropriate sentences, as a deterrent. There would be a list of floating hyperlink buttons to these organizations, that would stay on the screen no matter which website was being accessed. When any illegal or immoral activity is detected, by pressing the appropriate button, the screen could be viewed instantly by an official at the organization clicked onto.

  39. 28 Community policing to achieve a crime free society. Homes inspected once per month by a team of welfare, police, benefit and health officials. All people would be tagged (cyborgs), and also all vehicles. This would drastically reduce the number of missing persons, as well as crime.

  40. 29 A racially integrated society, to be achieved by ensuring that new migrants agree to live where HMG dictates, and by moving unemployed people in rented accommodation to more racially acceptable areas. Refusal and they would lose their benefits, etc.

  41. 30 Outlaw automatic telephone receptions. Currently over three quarters of the calls I make lead to nothing. You don't need to look any further to see why foreign companies are unable to place orders in this country.

  42. 31 Pass an 'approved companies act' which would drastically improve working conditions, training and competence.

  43. 32 Set up a British companies database, on the internet, which would include their full product range, including legacy data and hyperlink to sales department. It would list all company addresses and telephone numbers. All company product support, sales, IT and telecommunications systems would have to be manned 24/7.

  44. 33 Set up web sites in UK to compete with Facebook, Amazon, Facebook and eBay, in order to improve tax revenue and security.

  45. 34 Make all dealings in crypto-currencies illegal. They are not a currency, merely a form of gambling, coming under the Gambling Act and the Gambling Commission. These 'currencies' are not related to any economy and neither are they administered by any nation's treasury. Hardly anyone knows how they work, anymore than they know how a one arm bandit works. The irresponsible use of mining for these coins is consuming huge quantities of electrical energy, and is therefore contrary to global warming agreements. Left to present trends, a collapse in such investments would lead to a collapse in the global financial system, as crypto-currency investors rush to pay off their fees by selling their shares, commodities, guilds, etc. The longer this problem is ignored by the world's governments, the more likely it is that this event will occur.

  46. 35 Make the ownership period of company shares seven years, to put a stop to knee jerk investing, and in order to encourage a share owning society and investment from entrepreneurs. Share purchasing should be prevented where the value of shares exceeds 1.5 times the value of the company. HMG would work out the value of the company and make that figure public.

  47. 36 Scrap physical money (banknotes and coins) and get AI to police the financial system, in order to reduce crime and curtail habitual gambling, etc. Use AI to advise people how best to invest their spare wealth, and advise companies of investment opportunities.

  48. 37 Introduce a modern constitution, a technocracy, as outlined in My Ideas section of this website, in order to handle all these problems. Or should there be a petition, or global referendum first?

  49. 38 Set up a diversified economy, through greater use of advanced AI, in order to improve the UK's balance of payments.

  50. This list could no doubt be made much longer, with more thought. When you see a list as long as this, many of which are problems that have been around for over a decade, one gets the impression that our politicians are just a bunch of thumb suckers. The trouble with the UK's political system, and no doubt elsewhere, is that government's tend to be located in affluent regions of a country. The pleasure Palace of Westminster was no exception, with eight bars and restaurants, whilst paying members of the House of Lords three hundred pounds per day attendance money, no doubt inadvertently influenced MP's into thinking that the country had no problems to sort out. I feel that parliament and the centre of government should be more central, such as the Wirral or Crewe.

  51. Multi-party democracy is slowly destroying western civilisation. Over half the population in the UK are now working their way into poverty. National debt, corporate debt, personal debt. It will never be paid off. People are working just to pay for the cost of commuting. Welfare benefits and accommodation paid directly to single parents, ensures that for many people, there is little to work for. Loneliness being a curse created by politically correct dumb-dumb politicians.

  52. In 2014 I bought a house with my inheritance, following the death of my mother, Audrey. An opportunity not available to most people in this country today. My parents were only machine operators in the boot and shoe industry, in an age of real wages, thanks to the existence of wages council's. But for this, the quality of my life has also fallen during my seventy years. Meanwhile, the rich have got considerably richer thanks to the corrupt / incompetent policies of government, and the people who elect them to office. Many of you have clearly decided to do nothing except acquiesce to the situation.

  53. The incidents depicted in this manuscript occurred before the internet became established. Until the release of this website, there was no information about me on the internet. You may well wonder therefore, whether I am a fool, masochist or suicidal. I am neither. I decided that I must do something, to protest for change, whilst knowing that I can achieve very little. The only thing I could do was to tell you all about my life. About my mistakes, and the mistakes of government. AI, bio-engineering, outdated ideologies, these are what will wipe out the human race if the apathy within major government's is not brought to an end. Time is rapidly running out.

  54. Some government's want their page in history. The final page? But in truth, the final page will not be written by any government. When we are all dead and gone, the final page will be written into the annals of Earth's civilisations by aliens, and it will simply state 'another failure in natural selection.' That's all we are. But we won't be forgotten. All of our mistakes, wars, genocide, industrial accidents, environmentally induced pandemic's, floods, hurricanes, etc., over thousands of years, will finally be set in stone, for the philosopher's of the galaxy to read. We will simply be downgraded, in their history. Our mistakes are so enormous, that we therefore do not possess the right to be forgotten.

  55. The Cost

  56. The details pertaining to this case are stored at HMG's national archive at Kew, London. They will not be released until 2085. Just why the human race has to wait a century before it's allowed to learn from people's mistakes, I simply don't know.

  57. It's plainly obvious to me that it's the government that should be learning, but it is not. For them women's lib is paramount, in order to attract those votes. The ducking stool, or its modern equivalent, will not be introduced. And they really don't give a damn how many people they have to lock up in the meantime. How soon will it be before the male becomes redundant? Indeed, how soon will it be before family life and reproduction cease to exist? And if the establishment has its way, there will be no referendum on the subject. The evolution of the human race will continue to be haphazard, and unpredictable.

  58. As for the cost. Well there was the trial, imprisonment and the years of unemployment afterwards. But what cost do you put on all the broken lives?

  59. When it comes to a self applied criminal records check, otherwise known as the Disclosure & Barring Service, you first have to prove your identity. I tried to do this through the Post Office and again through another company but failed both. The first time because I couldn't apply through the Post Office a second time. The second company got my name, address, email address, mobile phone number, driving licence debit card and expired passport details, but I got nowhere. They couldn't check my expired passport, and so they wanted more debit and credit cards. It's clear to me that HMG doesn't want people with criminal records to work. I some how got it eventually, and it appears here.

  60. As for my details on the internet, click here:

  61. Should ex-cons memoirs be banned from the internet? Should you be denied the means to learn from the mistakes of others? There are many politicians who only want more prisons and longer prison sentences. They're not interested in dramatically improving your quality of life, by hiring a minister for happiness. Go and look at photos on the internet (Bing, etc.) of Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai, and you will see just how far the UK has slipped in quality of life standards.

  62. And here's what HMG thinks of me and millions of other people living in the UK with a criminal record. It's my computer based criminal record from HMG's Disclosure & Barring Service.

  63. Story 19 DBS Record of Nigel Allen Page 1.jpg
    WTN: DBS Record of Nigel Allen Page 1

    Story 19 DBS Record Of Nigel Allen 2.jpg
    WTN: DBS Record of Nigel Allen Page 2

  64. Yes, we do live in a subtle police state, where you can be barred from meaningful employment for life. This is how you create a nation of peasants, unfit to do anything other than measly tasks. We are the Untermenschen, and they, the establishment are the master race. Nothing much has changed in eighty years, has it? The PIBB in Ideas>Chapter 6 of this website, lists numerous organisations designed to keep the buggers down.

  65. You may wonder why the UK has the highest prison population in Europe, and why thirty percent of adult males have a criminal record. The answer is simple. Our political system is crap. A multi-party democracy is constantly seeking ways to placate people. It appears incapable of instilling discipline into society. In my youth, on a Sunday morning, as a cub, I would attend church parade. Today I attend disco bars and watch our misfit society descend into an abyss. I know not where it is heading, but I know it ain't good. Much of the crime we experience today has one root cause, a lack of discipline and purpose. Only a technocracy can put things right.

  66. As for me, I live alone. Don't even have a cat nor dog. Haven't travelled more than two miles from home in decades. I attended a space exhibition in Brighton in 1987 when the hurricane struck, later visiting JET (Joint European Torus) nuclear fusion reactor at Culham, Oxfordshire. Since then I've attended the Farnborough air show twice, and that's all I've done. My only joy these days comes from my gardening, and going to the pub. I still go to Broad Street. Thirty years after first meeting her, my femme fatale Helen walked twice into my favourite disco bar, as attractive as ever, with a couple of female friends. No doubt in answer to a message I had put on a dating web site. The bar was notorious with female escorts, and presumably she wanted a home to take her clients to. To be frank with you, I'm pissed off with this mentality. I prefer to be alone. I said nothing to her, and walked out. Walking back home from the pub is the only exercise I get these days. I don't feel lonely, just disappointed that nine billion people on this planet can't make civilisation work. Maybe you can. Don't underestimate your potential. Good luck.

  67. Story 19 BIS Symposium, Hurricane Brighton Pavilion Damaged.jpg
    WTN: Brighton Pavilion Damaged by Hurricane In 1987

    Story 19 BIS Space 87 Exhibition BAe HOTOL Side View Doors Open.jpg
    WTN: Model of HOTOL Spaceplane In 1987

    Story 19 BIS Excursion Culham Laboratory JET & Nigel Allen.jpg
    WTN: Nigel Allen Standing By Joint European Torus
    Tokamak Fusion Reactor In 1987

  68. As for the right to be forgotten....that's the last thing I want. This political system must be remembered, in order to ensure that once a world technocracy has been created, there is no going back to the old ways. When you look at the shit I and numerous other people have gone through in prison, you must realise that our constitution is unfit for purpose. That lesson must never be forgotten.

  69. In May 2021 as I cleaned out my office, I noticed an envelope my late mother had given me soon after I was released from prison. In the envelope were some of my poems. I hadn't looked at it as I already had a copy of them all. I did however decide to read the letters, but tucked in between them was a newspaper cutting. It was about my trial. I have no idea which newspaper it was from. I couldn't find it in the British Newspaper Archive. Here it is:

  70. 'It was clear he loved his wife very much'

  71. Husband in a frenzy killed wife's parents

  72. Caring husband Nigel Allen exploded in a fit of frenzy when his wife's parents, concerned for the welfare of their mentally-handicapped daughter, interfered in their marriage.

  73. Armed with a knife, he stabbed them to death in an Anglesey village, and on Monday at Caernarfon Crown Court he was jailed for five years for their manslaughter.

  74. Allen, 36, an unemployed engineering draughtsman, of Sunnydale, Bryntirion Estate, Gwalchmai, pleaded not guilty to murdering his in-laws, Mr. Glynne Roberts, 54, and Mrs. Helen Roberts, 53, of Garreglwyd Park, Holyhead on April 26th, but admitted their manslaughter.

  75. The Crown accepted his pleas, and Mr. Aubrey Myerson, QC, for the Director of Public Prosecutions, said Allen was of previously good character.

  76. In 1979, at the age of 30 Allen had married Karen Roberts, then aged 19, who though she was physically mature, suffered from a mental handicap, said Mr. Myerson.

  77. She had a mental age of about 10, as a result of an illness she had as a child.

  78. Her parents had been opposed of her marriage to Allen, so the couple had eloped to get married.

  79. Eventually Allen had bought a bungalow for them in Anglesey, and was responsible for most of the domestic chores because of his wife's handicap. It was clear that he was meticulous and very houseproud.

  80. Mr.Myerson said that Karen's parents were concerned about her welfare and their concern intruded into the married life of the defendant and his wife more than would have occurred in a normal marriage.

  81. Matters came to a head on April 26th when the wife's parents, their other daughter and her three young sons visited Allen's home.

  82. Mrs. Roberts remarked about a rash on Karen's face, and her father told her: "Go and get your things. You can come home with us tonight. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow. You can come with me and see to the rash."

  83. But Allen protested: "She's not going....You are not going to take her away from me."

  84. Mr.Myerson described how Allen appeared in a doorway brandishing a knife, and lunged at his father-in-law, nicking his neck.

  85. Mr.Roberts looked at the injury in a mirror and ordered the rest of the family "All of you clear out."

  86. Karen ran out of the house followed by Allen and her mother. Mr.Roberts ran after them and saw his wife lying motionless on the ground, and the other daughter saw Allen stab the knife at her father's stomach.

  87. Another eye witness described what then happened as "a scene of frenzy," and saw the knife penetrate Mr.Robert's body as he made futile attempts to defend himself and retreated.

  88. Afterwards Allen went to a local police station and handed the knife to the policeman's wife. He told police later he had stabbed his parents-in-law, adding "I think I've killed them."

  89. Mr.Roberts died before reaching hospital.

  90. Both Dr.William Lawson senior medical officer at the Risley Remand Centre, and Dr.Arthur Martin, an emeritus consultant psychiatrist, said that, in their opinion, Allen was suffering from greatly diminished responsibility at the time of the attack.

  91. Dr.Lawson said Allen had an obsessional personality given to fits of despair. He was suffering from a severe depressive illness at the time and in addition there was a form of epilepsy prevalent, but his depression was treatable.

  92. Motives

  93. "I have no doubt at all that he loved, and still does love Karen, his wife, very much," he added.

  94. "His marriage gave him an opportunity to assist, and to help to improve Karen. I don't think his motives can be faulted at all in that way, and the information I have had is that Karen improved greatly during the marriage."

  95. Lord Hooson, QC, defending, asked him: "Do you think there is any real danger of this man repeating anything like that?"

  96. Dr.Lawson replied, "No, he has no psychopathic traits in his makeup at all, so consequently he is capable of learning by experience."

  97. "There was no doubt," said Lord Hooson, "that Allen regarded his wife as deprived. He took her to a medical consultant in Birmingham, and as a result she was taken off the pills she had been taking, 13 tablets a day when he first knew her. Instead she was given two to three tablets a day and made significant progress."

  98. Allen taught her to read print and elementary things, and she could read forthcoming television programmes and write in a very elementary way. He also taught her simple household duties.

  99. From the parents point of view, their attitude was understandable and he didn't want to paint a black picture as far as they were concerned, Lord Hooson stressed.

  100. The End